Cursos Audiovisuais

Plataforma para criação de cursos em áudio, vídeo e iluminação.

Exames Online

Oferecemos a possibilidade de criar exames online para formadores, facilitando a avaliação do aprendizado dos alunos em nossa plataforma de cursos audiovisuais.

Registro Usuário

Caixas de registro para usuários garantem fácil acesso e gerenciamento de cursos, promovendo uma experiência de aprendizado eficiente e organizada na nossa plataforma audiovisual.

Galeria de Cursos

Explore nossos cursos em áudio, iluminação e vídeo criativos.

A group of people are inside a dimly lit room, likely attending a multimedia event or performance. Several individuals are seated, observing two illuminated screens. One person operates audio or visual equipment, surrounded by laptops and electronic devices.
A group of people are inside a dimly lit room, likely attending a multimedia event or performance. Several individuals are seated, observing two illuminated screens. One person operates audio or visual equipment, surrounded by laptops and electronic devices.
A lecture hall with green tiered seats facing a large white and black chalkboard. The room has a high ceiling with overhead lights and a ceiling-mounted projector. There are some desks and chairs in the front of the class along with a wooden podium. A fire extinguisher is visible on the wall, along with some cabinets and a sink on the right side.
A lecture hall with green tiered seats facing a large white and black chalkboard. The room has a high ceiling with overhead lights and a ceiling-mounted projector. There are some desks and chairs in the front of the class along with a wooden podium. A fire extinguisher is visible on the wall, along with some cabinets and a sink on the right side.